Exoplanets of my constellations

Here you can find information about different exoplanets of my constellations: WASP-83 b (Corvus), HD 111591 (Coma Berenices), HD 177830 c (Corona Australis) and XO-1b (Corona Borealis) for more info visit my website Neocities.

WASP-83 b (Corvus)

Here how you can see an image of the Corvus coordinates:

My research of WASP-83 b

Here you can see my research with the Corvus coordinates and some data from WASP-83 b Link of the NASA

Here you have a graphic which relates the time in days to normalized flux Link to make this graphic

Calculations and comparison with other website

My calculations:

Comparison with other website

In this article tells you that the exoplanet WASP-83 b, has a mass of 0.30 ± 0.03 , which coincides with the mass of Saturn, and a radius of 1.04 . All these data coincide with the data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive. But it says nothing about the radius of the Earth or the radius of the Sun.